Group Rides & Mentorship

Group Rides

We all were once new to group riding and racing, and group riding is a great way to ride with the club and be a part of the cycling community!  Learning to race bicycles takes a combination of fitness, passion, skill, and craft.  The more you ride, and the more you ride with experienced riders, the more you will learn the craft.  Learning by doing and taking advice and feedback will help you build your knowledge and confidence in the group.


We encourage anyone who is newer to the club, who is returning to the club, and all of our experienced club members to come on these rides to share the camaraderie of the BBC!  As Buffalo’s oldest cycling club, the BBC wants to encourage cyclists to try their hand at group riding and racing, so come out to our group rides to learn group riding skills while building fitness!  We are continuing our partnering with the Niagara Frontier Bicycle Club (NFBC) on our group rides!  The BBC and NFBC will co-host all BBC Sunday group rides, and all BBC members can ride the NFBC Wednesday Night Rides every week during the season.


The BBC has assembled a team of dedicated ride leaders, and every ride will have at least an A and B group and sometimes C group to cater to riders of varying abilities.  If you can ride at 15+ mph, come out and ride with us!  We’ll have ride leaders and ride sweepers to ensure that no one gets left behind.


Check the Events Calendar for all of our Group Ride dates this season!



As Buffalo’s oldest cycling club, the BBC wants to encourage to try their hand at racing.  In 2021, the BBC developed a formal mentorship program that pairs up newer riders looking to learn to race with more experienced club members who’ve been racing for years.  This program supplements our group rides that allow recreational riders to learn group riding skills and etiquette while building fitness.


We’d love to hear from you if:

  • you’re new to the club and interested in being mentored.  Your role as a mentee to get the most out of this program is to engage with your mentor, ride with them, ask questions, and join our group rides!
  • you’re an experienced club member and wish to mentor a newer rider.  Your role as a mentor is to answer questions, give feedback, ride with your mentee, and join some of our group rides!


If you’re interested, we’d love to hear from you by filling out the survey here! New riders will be paired up with mentors on a first come, first serve availability.