*NEW DATE* BBC End Of Season Awards Banquet Ride

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*NEW DATE* BBC End Of Season Awards Banquet Ride

October 27, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

You must be a member of the Buffalo Bicycling club to participate.  To sign up for membership, click here.

We’ll be celebrating the end of the season with a group ride!  We’ll be doing a group ride in the Northtowns/Niagara County, starting out of Ellicott Creek Park in Tonawanda.  We’ll go out in an “A” group with a B group possible based on turnout.  Then we’ll gather at the pavilion at Ellicott Creek Park to present the end-of-season awards!  We’ll have food and drink when giving out the awards for the club series races and the voted-on awards of the best new rider, most improved rider, and Tim Putman sportsmanship awards.


  • Arrive by 9:30-9:45
  • Group Ride- 10am-12pm
  • Food and Awards 12pm-1pm

Start and Parking:

Ellicott Creek Park in Tonawanda, Shelter 10

Our group ride this week starts from Ellicott Creek Park Shelter 10 and head up through Niagara County, down and back up the escarpment via Dickersonville and 429.  We’ll go out in an A group, with the possibility of a B group based on turnout.

Route:  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48645407



A Group B Group
Distance 40 miles 40 miles
Pace 19-20mph 17-18mph


October 27, 2024
10:00 am - 1:00 pm


James Thompson