BBC December Meeting Minutes

James Thompson

President, Buffalo Bicycling Club

December 2022 Club Meeting



Attendance: James Thompson, Erin Haskell, Rich Scaduto, Max Schneider, Tom Weichmann, Frank Grillo, Greg Cherr, Gary Ho, Greg Sipes, Justin Gabreski, Bill Dowling, Devin Erdmann


Meeting Agenda:

  • Budget Overview for 2023. Treasurer Rich Scaduto offered a budget proposal for 2023.  This budget incorporates many new parameters to help the club achieve a balanced budget through decreasing some costs and increasing others:
    • All USAC races strive to break even with 60 racers at $55 registration fee per racer
    • Increases in security costs to make sure all USAC races are properly staffed at every corner for safety and racer guidance. This budget also includes incorporating paid security for club races to ensure safety.  Club members will still be vital volunteers, and the $40 membership refund per marshalling assignment applies, but club members will be asked more often to act as road marshals at more difficult intersections, registration tables, drivers, etc.
    • Decreases in prizes and payouts for USAC races
    • Decreased costs for marketing for USAC races
    • Reflects all 2022 fixed costs for officials, permits, venue, insurance, etc
    • Establishment of the “BBC Foundation” which will be where all profits from membership dollars, sponsorships, and race registration will be allocated. All members will be able to submit requests for grants to be approved by the Board of Officers and/or steering committee for defined scope and costs within the BBC mission statement.  The Board can also vote on what to do with the funds to improve the club’s events and offerings
      • These profits could be used to fund prize money for races, hold other events or seminars with guest speakers, fund the BBC’s commitment to free reg for women’s fields at USAC races, partially fund new BBC jerseys for rookie members, or anything else that adds value to the club and the events it puts on
    • Better defines registration comp for officers. In the past, club bylaws stated that elected officers got free registration for membership and USAC races put on by the club.  New bylaws for 2022-2023 are eliminating this and will instead give stipends for Board members at the end of the year which will amount to partial reimbursement for registration fees to membership and races.  Exact amounts will be defined in bylaws update.
  • Survey overview
    • Women’s Rider Representative Erin Haskell presented a 40-question survey for 2022 BBC Membership. The club plans to roll out this survey by the end of December with the goal of having new information by the January club meeting
    • Questions include:
      • What events or offerings from the club were your priorities in 2022 and what are those going to be in 2023?
      • How many BBC events, club races, and USAC races put on by the BBC did you attend in 2022?
      • Rate your favorite BBC Sunday Series club race courses
      • What changes would you make to the Sunday Series?
      • What are your criteria for selecting which USAC races to participate in?
      • Your thoughts on prize money and registration fees for USAC races
      • If you didn’t race a lot in 2022, why not?
      • What are your preferences for receiving communications from the BBC?
    • Crit Committee
      • The BBC is moving forward with establishing a committee to work on plans for our Downtown Crit in 2023 around Resurgence Brewery. The Buffalo Police Department has tentatively approved the logistics course, but to make this race possible, we need to work out a sponsorship pitch and all other race logistics.  This race will not be possible without that outside support.  Please help us plan this race!
        • Crit committee currently includes Rich Scaduto, Frank Grillo, Max Schneider, Devin Erdmann, Mike Honcho
      • Event Calendar
        • Hamburg RR is confirmed for June 18th, Freedom Run is confirmed for July 9th
          • TBD on East Arcade (likely August 19th) and if we can do the Downtown Crit
        • To make sure that our BBC events (including USAC and club races) don’t conflict with other area events, Tom Weichmann is compiling a list both from the NYSBRA sanctioned race calendar in NY State and also any and all local cycling events, competitive or not. The first priority with the club event calendar is that races that need to make money (ie. USAC races) do not conflict with other events.  Sunday Series club races are less of a concern with overlapping with local rides/charity rides/fondos but will still try to accommodate when we can.  If you know of regular group rides, charity events, gran fondos, etc that are happening in and around the Buffalo/Rochester areas that would draw away potential participation from our events, please let us know
        • We may look into establishing a communication committee who gathers this information
      • BBC Base Building Challenge
        • Is set to start in January with the same rules as last year. Ride 20/30/42 hours during the month to be entered into random drawings for prizes.  Top prizes include a new BBC club jersey.  Other prizes include gift cards from area bike shops.  Submit data from your Strava account or otherwise if you would like to be entered.  Communications will go out by social media and email


Action Steps from the BBC Board of Directors for January Club Meeting:

  • Format for the BBC group ride initiative in 2023
  • Create documentation for the club mentorship program for 2023
  • Have the crit committee form and establish a sponsorship package and race-day details to present to Resurgence Brewery and other potential sponsors and stakeholders
  • Roll out and collect data from the membership survey
  • Ratify new Club Bylaws
Buffalo Bicycling
Buffalo Bicycling
The Buffalo Bicycling Club was incorporated on April 6th, 1973. We are dedicated to the promotion and development of bicycle racing in Western New York.

Comments are closed.

November 2022 Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2022
BBC Base Building Challenge
January 1, 2023