December 2021 Meeting Minutes

BBC Monthly Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2021


Present:  S Mongielo, J Thompson, E Haskell, G Cherr, F Grillo, C Knowles, D Borden, J Kent, A Gorski, C Schloop, E Szatranski, G Ho, G Sipes, J Fahrbacher, J Taubman, R Scully, A Merner, J Roden, iPhone


Excused: T Williams


The meeting was called to order at 7:06


Old Business:

Treasurer’s Report:  None given; the club finances remain in excellent shape and unchanged from 11/2021 report.



Flyers for distribution to local bike shops remain in development in collaboration with Casey Kelly.


Mentorship Program

There was a robust discussion of the mentorship program, with many mentors and mentees in attendance.  There was agreement that the program was very successful in its first season, with credit given to Frank Grillo for developing the program.  New riders found the availability of mentors and the existence of a program recognizing the challenges of being a new racer to be of great importance. There’s recognition of the difficulties of learning to race a bicycle.  Opportunities for improvement were identified, such as clarifying expectations for mentors, recognizing effective mentors and successful mentor/mentee pairs, and providing skills sessions including more group rides.


Club Zwift Rides

Frank Grillo is again leading weekly BBC group rides on Zwift.  We’ve had large numbers with friendly banter.  So far, the group has refrained from sharing in-ride Dad/Mom Jokes. Please reach out to club leaders if you’re interested in participating in the Sunday morning rides.


Race Schedule

The 2022 Race schedule continues to be developed.  Currently, we anticipate the Hamburg RR- June 19; Freedom Run July17; East Arcade RR- August 20f (all dates to be confirmed).  We discussed the site for next year’s BBC Club Championship (Freedom Run vs a new site).  The BBC leadership is actively working to secure new venues for 2022 with possibilities including criteriums at  the ECC Campus- South, Central Terminal, and the area around the BCBS Highmark building.


BBC 2022 kit

The new club kits remain awesome.  With the traditional styling and a red/white/blue colorway, the club will avoid the beachy fade kerfuffle. And don’t miss the 50th anniversary retro jersey.  Get yours here


Kids Races

The club remains committed to offering opportunities for youth to participate in race experiences in a less regimented, less competitive environment than traditional USAC-sanctioned youth events.  John Roden has expressed in interest in continuing to lead this effort for the BBC.  More to come…


New Business

January Base Building Challenge

The club will again track the total number of hours spent riding (indoors or outdoors) for the month of January.  There will be schwag for the winners of each category, including BBC jerseys and patches.


Patch Business

Exciting patch news is on the horizon, time constraints prevented a nuanced discussion during this meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:09PM

Respectfully Submitted by G Cherr, Secrétaire




Buffalo Bicycling
Buffalo Bicycling
The Buffalo Bicycling Club was incorporated on April 6th, 1973. We are dedicated to the promotion and development of bicycle racing in Western New York.

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November 2021 Meeting Minutes
December 9, 2021
February, 2022 Meeting Minutes
March 6, 2022