BBC February 2020 Meeting Minutes


BBC February 24. 2020 meeting called to order 6:57 pm

Attendees: Steve Mongielo, James Thompson, Tim Williams, Marit Ogin, Erin Haskell, Jon Siuta, Shannon Siuta, Greg Cherr, Frank Grillo, Dixon Atkins, Emily Hill, Alison Merner, Jim Schuler

Treasurer Report:

No significant expenditures since last meeting.

Requested budget expenditure for 10 new reflective vests with BBC/Safety lettering approved (for training event and race marshalls).  Marit Ogin to get pricing and procure.

Committee reportbacks:

  • Code of Conduct Subcommittee: The proposed Code of Conduct was communicated electronically after the January meeting with a call for questions/comments: none were received.  Motion made and seconded to amend BBC Constitution By Laws to incorporate proposed Code of Conduct. The subcommittee was thanked for driving this important amendment to our club Constitution.
  • GRAVEL IS HERE!!! Gravel Course Subcommittee: A motion was made and seconded to incorporate a USAC sanctioned combination gravel/road race into the BBC race schedule. 3 course options were presented and pros and cons discussed – course not yet finalized. This would start and finish from VP Tim Williams ranch and would be dubbed a “Grodeo” . Proposed name is Tim Williams Memorial Day Grodeo; proposed date Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Subcommittee was thanked for adding gravel, which is popular in the WNY biking community.
  • Marketing Subcommittee: A marketing strategy including marketing assets, activities and sequencing was presented with proposal to firm up with dates and assigned resources. Some examples of items discussed: will consider a monthly email blast with input on content from members, an event marketing playbook. Use of Strava posting by president has generated a lot of followers on Strava – Steve will take lead on this. Agreed that Erin Haskell would “lead” Instagram communications.  Subcommittee was thanked for the much needed proposed structure to our club marketing.



USAC sanctioned event  discussion:


Women will have everything equal in fields as men (ie same cats, distance, payout). BikeReg will be updated to reflect this.  This is part of a 5 year plan to add consistency in promoting women’s cycling.  This is a good first step.

Novice will not have cars and can go off together coed.  We’re promoting it as a ride the course at your own pace. It is anticipated that anyone that’s competitive is will quickly opt to just buy a cat 4 license.

Lead and wheel car plans for groups still being determined. Current outline:

Men 1/2/3 wheels
Women 1/2/3 Wheels
Men 3/4 lead
Women 3/4 lead

Given the long length of elite course, they could benefit from wheel cars.

Start times still not yet finalized.


Hamburg Road Race timing: it is recognized that this conflicts with other events; however, we commit early to Hamburg date due to early reservation requirements for use of Park building and parking lot at start line.


Freedom Run: Name of race on BikeReg will be changed to Freedom Run Road Race. An awesome benefit of a BBC club membership is automatic registration for and FREE entry into this USAC sanctioned road race. This race is advertised to and open to the public: it also serves as the BBC Club championship for BBC members that participate in the races that are designated as club championship.


Potential to lengthen the circuit that is repeated for this race from current course length of less than 6 miles to ~12 miles due to difficulty in tracking riders in multiple races on such a short loop. More to come!!


Old and New business:

BBC Club membership registration will include sign-up for marshalling duties.

Request to consider addition of student membership fee structure for next year.

Use promo code BUFFALO for Mckeesport May 9 race for $10 off registration.

President presented draft design for BBC patch.  Lively discussion of potential uses for patches and when patches would be “awarded”

SkyRide: There is potential for a timed road race to be added to (before the regular SkyRide) the annual GOBIKE SkyRide on Sunday August 9.  There will be a planning meeting for this on March 3rd of 5th (Alison Merner to coordinate).

Thursday rides: there will be series of club events on Thursdays that will focus on bike handling, group riding skills.  Proposed name is “Join the Pack”.  Marketing and Educational director will coordinate and finalize.

TRACK NIGHT!!!  Joe G had reached out and has tentative agreement with Holland Raceway to resume track night – targeting 4 consecutive Wednesdays July/early August.  More to come!!

Meeting adjourned 8:37

Next meeting date March 24 Tuesday 6:30 Steve Mongielo’s house 147 Bird Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14213

Comments are closed.

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