2019 January BBC Meeting Minutes

BBC January 28, 2019 Membership meeting Tom’s Pro Bikes

Steve Mongielo, Tim Williams, James Thompson, Emily Hill, Frank Grillo, Adam Wojcik, Joe Giovenco, Corey Knowles, Gary Ho, Matt Castilloux, James Thompson, Nick DeMarco, Jim Schulyer, Brenden Conway, Chris Salisbury, Steve Guziejka

6:48 president called the meeting to order.

December meeting minutes approved.

Treasurer report: $14883 budget

$300 club USAC license renewal highlighted

We will be using Tony Sylor timing system, will not require chips, will use finish line video capability.

Independent Health sponsorship (thank you !)

CX at the Yert sponsorship of Larkin

Membership model for December meeting will be adopted. Targetting membership up on BikeReg by end of Feb.

Seeking outlet for timing system

New business:

Reviewed proposed schedule:

First 2 Saturdays in March “spirited” group rides (not no drop)

March 23 Mongi’s Maple Fondue all you can eat pancake breakfast fallback date March 30

Track Night is usually Wednesday. Will try to get Thursday nights.

Strava race weekend is a possibility (one flat day one hilly day), stay tuned.

Larkin Crit discussion:

Working with new permit system City of Buffalo. Exploring cost reduction opportunities.

100 registration fees average per week with $5 registration fee increase, reduction in prizes and anticipated fees would ~ break even   up to ~$200 positive per week.

Group discussion and review of the draft event schedule

Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm.

Buffalo Bicycling
Buffalo Bicycling
The Buffalo Bicycling Club was incorporated on April 6th, 1973. We are dedicated to the promotion and development of bicycle racing in Western New York.

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New BBC Kits!
March 5, 2019
2019 March BBC Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2019